The Guild Education Meetings are opportunities for members to learn about specific topics related to photography. The Education Committee meets annually to identify the interests of the group, as well as speakers who would be able to deliver quality programming. The Guild delivers through several different methods in order to provide value for the full range of members.
Bi-Monthly Education Meetings During our Education Meetings, we typically identify topics that are of interest to the membership, and then look first within our membership to see if there is a level of expertise with one of our members to present on the topic. If there are no members with significant expertise in the topic of interest, we will then look to our local photographic community for expertise.
ProSeries Workshops The Guild has been fortunate to be able to attract some nationally recognized professional photographers to offer full day or even weekend long workshops. We have branded these workshops under the name of ProSeries Workshops. These programs differ from traditional Education Meetings in that ProSeries Workshops are at least full-day workshops, which are open to the public. There are fees for ProSeries Workshops, with members receiving a discount on registration. Click here for upcoming ProSeries workshops!
Outings Our Outings Chair coordinates field trips for members to gather outside of a regular meeting, for a chance to shoot.
The Contact Sheet The Guild publishes a monthly newsletter titled the Contact Sheet. The Contact Sheet is our primary delivery method for written educational content. The Contact Sheet often includes tips and tutorials from a wide variety of subject areas related to photography. Photoshop tips, Lightroom tips, articles about photographic genres, photographic history, upcoming Guild exhibits or ProSeries Workshops and more, typically fill the pages of the Contact Sheet. The Photographic Society of America recognized the Contact Sheet with its prestigious Director's Choice award in 2020.